Saturday, January 16, 2010

How can we manage calender control in

hello friends i vll be highly obliged to all ur kind people having crutial knowledge abt i would b so generous to all of u fr this kind helpHow can we manage calender control in
Following code will help you to make calender control in

Protected Sub Calendar13_DayRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DayRenderEvent鈥?Handles Calendar13.DayRender

Dim nextDate As DateTime

Dim hl As HyperLink

Dim onmouseoverStyle As String = ';'#D4EDFF'';

Dim onmouseoutStyle As String = ';'@BackColor'鈥?br>

Dim rowBackColor As String = String.Empty

Dim notTouched As Boolean

notTouched = True


If Not CType(Session(';dsHolidays';), DataSet) Is Nothing Then

For Each dr As DataRow In CType(Session(';dsHolidays';), DataSet).Tables(0).Rows

nextDate = CType(dr(';HolidayDate';), DateTime)

If nextDate = e.Day.Date Then

e.Cell.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Pink

e.Cell.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml(鈥?br>

notTouched = False

End If


End If

If Not CType(Session(';dsRequests2';), DataSet) Is Nothing Then

For Each dr As DataRow In CType(Session(';dsRequests2';), DataSet).Tables(0).Rows

nextDate = CType(dr(';VacationDate';), DateTime)

If nextDate = e.Day.Date Then

hl = New HyperLink

hl.Text = CType(dr(';ToolTip';), String)

hl.NavigateUrl = ';Entry.aspx?ID='; %26amp; CType(dr(';VacationID';), String)

hl.BorderColor = Color.Gray

hl.BorderWidth = 1

hl.ToolTip = ';Click this item to get more detailed information.';

hl.Font.Name = ';Arial Narrow';

hl.Font.Bold = False

hl.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml(鈥?br>

e.Cell.BackColor = Color.Azure


notTouched = False

End If


End If

If notTouched And Not e.Day.IsWeekend Then

e.Cell.Attributes.Add(';onmouseover';, onmouseoverStyle)

e.Cell.Attributes.Add(';onmouseout';, onmouseoutStyle.Replace(';@BackColor';, rowBackColor))

End If

Catch ex As Exception

Response.Write(';Errors occurred: No RuleID / Hire Date specified for user! '; %26amp; ';Additional errors include: '; %26amp; ex.ToString())

End Try

End SubHow can we manage calender control in
I can do it

you can live chat with me for this to get step by step guidance or full work

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